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The best issue tracking management tool.

了解planview AdaptiveWork 如何為您快速蒐集問題,洞悉生命周期,體現經營傳承。

Unlike before, Wanma Pentium has launched a new multi-demand management system.Introducing a new and diverse demand management system from Wanma Benteng, unlike before, it combines cross-department contact forms, issue tracking, customer service work orders, demand forms, dispatch systems, and bug tracking...等功能集大成,使各單位皆能一體適用。

solve all the demands and problems of the enterprise.

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× No standardization

× No record

×No trace

× lack of evidence to support

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× No standardization

× The data is scattered.

× Unable to alert

× Unable to analyze

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O The licensing price is only required for engineers.

O Process management

O Flexible customization.

O Link the project to see progress

O Recording is accurate and orderly.

O Real-time collaboration and discussion.

O Automatic tracking and reminders

O Layered and rigorous access control

O Knowledge Base with Experience Inheritance - Keyword Search

O A suitable approval process that matches the company's workflow.

O Statistical Data Analysis Report

Problems need to be well documented

Human memory is not reliable, Planview AdaptiveWork elevates the company to a comprehensive level.

How to reproduce the issue.

  • Description of Expected Functionality
  • Actual Result Display

Discussion and Documentation

  • Record and track information such as assignee, responsible party, due date, resolution method, and other historical details, so that subsequent personnel can easily understand all information and history of the problem.

Knowledge Base

  • Valuable company asset (saving money and hassle)

Problem Analysis and Statistics

The importance of knowledge is like the strength of a horse that can be seen in a long journey.

"Lesson-learn" is the foundation of enterprise knowledge management.By utilizing the reporting function, you can quickly analyze the root causes of problems from different perspectives and angles.Understanding the workload and impact of Issues can help you develop a problem management strategy for the coming year, manage risks, and reduce the cost of problem resolution. The report function can be used to quickly analyze the causes of problems from different perspectives and angles.

Analyzing the problem life cycle of each unit.

Statistics of Issues for Each Product Type.

Statistics of Issues in each stage

Statistics on various types and categories...

Issue report

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