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Approval Workflow Solution

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Approval by Demand Unit (One-click Approval)

The demand units are mostly business execution units, and their requests need to be confirmed by the demand unit supervisor before being processed by the IT unit. A comprehensive list of all items that require approval is available, and a one-click approval process is provided to speed up the approval process.


Types of Electronic Signatures

The system supports various types of electronic signature, including single signatory, joint signatory, and additional signature. It can also be customized according to different workflows, such as removing the need for a certain unit manager to sign in the project task approval process, to match the actual process and reduce unnecessary time waste.


Each demand corresponds to one project.

By using different project templates to correspond to different demand orders, it is possible to standardize the IT service process and meet the requirements of audits, as different demand orders require different approval processes and therefore have different tasks.

Collaboration Project
Project Workflow

Electronic signature records

The auditing unit places great importance on the signature record, and Planview Adaptive Work can provide detailed recording of the signature history for future reference. It can also generate project duration statistics reports and calculate service performance based on this.

Project Workflow

IT unit approval

The IT department has detailed job divisions, and the number of units that need to be executed and approved varies depending on the complexity and difficulty of the demand. For example, a complex large-scale project requires the following steps: feasibility analysis, business analysis (BA), system analysis (SA), system design (SD), program (PG), system integration testing (SIT), user acceptance testing (UAT), and launch, etc., to ensure service quality.

Project completed

Expense reimbursement form

Expense claims can be made through the expense reimbursement interface, and expense reports can be generated to view expense statistics for each period


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